martes, 19 de febrero de 2013

2012 Buen año para la eólica en EE.UU.

La Asociación Americana de Energía Eólica anuncio que en 2012 el mercado de la energía eólica fue de los mejores años. En 2012, el 40 % de la capacidad instalada de producción energética correspondió a la energía eólica  Sobrepasando a otras tecnologías, como las estaciones de cogeneración. Los generadores eólicos instalados actualmente reducirán las emisiones de dióxido de carbono de Estados Unidos en un 1,8 por ciento, unos 95,9 millones de toneladas métricas de emisiones de dióxido de carbono cada año.

The American Wind Energy Association announced that 2012 marked the wind energy industry’s strongest year ever. This past year wind energy accounted for over 40 percent of new generating capacity in the United States, surpassing all other energy-producing industries in new capacity, including those dependent on fossil fuels. The wind-powered generators currently installed will reduce US carbon emissions by 1.8 percent, preventing 95.9 million metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions each year.
Although faced with government policy-related challenges, including the threat of the Production Tax Credit expiration (extended at the last minute by the “fiscal cliff package,” the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012) the wind energy industry has much to celebrate. Rob Gramlich, AWEA Interim CEO, expressed his excitement over the industry’s triumphs, stating, “It is a real testament to American innovation and hard work that for the first time ever a renewable energy source was number one in new capacity. We are thrilled to mark this major milestone in the nation's progress toward a cleaner energy system.”
Including projects from 32 states and Puerto Rico, the wind energy industry installed turbines capable of generating over 13,000 MW in 2012. (2010 holds the previous record for new wind power at 10,000 MW.) Texas and California top the list of states with new capacity installations, providing 1,826 MW and 1,656 MW respectively. The collective wind power in the US reached a whopping 60,000 MW (60 gigawatts) in January, enough power to provide electricity to every home in Colorado, Iowa, Maryland, Michigan, Nevada, and Ohio combined - the equivalent of powering nearly 15 million homes.
“Despite a considerable amount of policy uncertainty, the US wind power sector proved to be remarkably resilient in 2012, reaching a record level of installations while global wind investment fell 13%," US Director of The Climate Group, Amy Davidsen said. "But for the sector to continue... to grow, we must provide a more stable investment climate through clear, long-term policy signals.”

1 comentario:

  1. Iberdrola es la empresa extranjera que mas ha facturado en EEUU y es principalmente por el despliegue en la industria eólica que ha hecho esta empresa española, referente mundialmente y numero uno en energía eólica.
