viernes, 15 de febrero de 2013

Feed-in-tariff para el hidrógeno

Sin duda alguna la expansión de este tipo de incentivos en la teconología del hidrógeno sería un punto de inflexión en su desarrollo, la iniciativa viene del director de la inglesa AFC Energy, quien también señala, con muy buen criterio, que nos estamos quedando atrás con respecto a EEUU o Corea ¡Hay que ponerse las pilas! 

AFC Energy boss wants feed-in tariff boost for fuel cell technology

The boss of AFC Energy (LON:AFC) has called on UK politicians to expand the feed-in tariff to boost the use of fuel cells in the UK.
Ian Williamson, who is also the head of the UK Hydrogen Fuel Cell Association (UKHFCA), was one of a number of panellists at a seminar in parliament on the role of hydrogen and fuel cells in meeting renewable energy targets.
Williamson said that while politicians are becoming more aware of the environmental and economic benefits of hydrogen fuel cells, there still remained a huge amount of work to be done.
“The benefits of this technology are yet to be reflected in government policy, and we are seeing the UK and Europe lag behind the US and Korea in terms of government support for base load power from fuel cell technology” he said.
"The UK is a leader in fuel cell technology and AFC Energy wants it to remain that way. 
“This is about both energy efficiency and UK jobs. That is why we have urged the government to extend the feed-in-tariff scheme to cover fuel cells."
AFC Energy is developing fuel cells that will compete with conventional technologies such as turbines for electrical power generation. Its technology takes hydrogen created from chlorine production, biomass and coal and turns it into electricity.

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