miércoles, 23 de enero de 2013


El Departamento de Energía de los EEUU (DOE) acaba de publicar su informe anual en relación a sus proyectos en materia de pilas de combustible e hidrógeno. No dudéis en echarle un ojo!



US DoE Publishes 2012 Annual Progress Report

The US Department of Energy (DoE) has published the latest in its series of annual progress reports covering its funded projects in the field of fuel cells and hydrogen. The fuel cell sub-program has reported continued reduction in cost for automotive fuel cells since 2002. Assuming mass production of 500,000 units per year, costs per kilowatt have reduced more than 80% since 2002 and 36% in the past four years.
DoE Targets
The DoE also funds projects looking at hydrogen production and storage, which also continue to demonstrate cost reduction towards long-term DoE targets of $2 to $4 per gallon of gasoline equivalent.
A number of market-focussed projects are also included in the report as part of the Department of Energy’s hydrogen and fuel cells program, including those benefitting from Recovery Act funding.
Read the full report here.

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